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Meet the team
Our expert team of engineering consultants and support staff, have a diverse range of backgrounds, engineering and project management skills. What they all have in common is a shared passion for problem-solving, collaboration with our clients, and a shared love of the outdoors!
Mitchell Leaman
Principal Engineer - Civil and Structural
+64 21 054 2751
Mike Boardman
Principal Consultant - Corrosion and Protection
+64 21 906 684
Anthony Jujnovich
Principal Consultant - Corrosion and Protection
+64 27 702 0009
Sarah Ledingham
Senior Draftsperson - Civil and Structural
03 363 1133 (EXT 133)
Stephen Song
Senior Engineer - Civil and Structural
03 363 1135 (EXT 135)
John Campbell
Graduate Engineer - Civil and Structural
+64 21 084 41988
Tyson Rayner
Field Testing Technician - Transmission Lines
+61 423 610 107
Jordan Torres
Field Testing Technician - Electrical Lines
+61 492 245 947
View Bio
Veronica Collins
Finance and Administration Specialist
+64 21 0851 6456
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