The Cost of Corrosion in the New Zealand Electricity Industry
The World Corrosion Organisation (WCO) places the worldwide annual cost of corrosion at US$1.8 trillion per annum, some 3% of the world’s...
Bushfire Risk Management of Electricity Transmission Lines
On Saturday the 7th of February 2009 bushfires devastated Victoria, Australia, killing 173 and injuring 414. Black Saturday, as it has...
Surface Foundations for Emergency Poles Load Testing of Initial Designs
As part of Wellington Electricity Lines Ltd’s (Wellington Electricity) ongoing work to provide cost effective risk based solutions to...
Galvanized Coatings on Power Equipment:Optimizing Life Cycle Costs
New Zealand’s transmission and distribution system relies heavily on line and substation support structures constructed using millions of...
Condition Assessment of Transmission Towers Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV)
Historically, transmission towers were only climbed to repair or replace hardware or light members. In recent years, formal condition...
Maintenance Management of Transmission Lines using Condition Assessment And Computer Data Analysis
Presentation Overview: Part 1: Background: LineTech, New Zealand, Transpower Part 2: Problems we face inc Line Diversity Part 3:...
Preparing for the Worst:Developing Overhead Line Routes to Replace Damaged Cables
This paper discusses one aspect of the planning being undertaken by Wellington Electricity to prepare for a large earthquake disrupting...
Airborne Laser Scanning for Existing Power Line Upgrade or New Route Design
Among the many difficulties facing engineers when upgrading existing distribution lines or designing new lines the landscape often...