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Condition Assessment and Future Maintenance Analysis on a Transmission Line in Iceland

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

During 2008 the author was engaged by the Icelandic Consulting company Efla to act as consultant for a condition assessment trial project on a 220 kV transmission line in Iceland. The trial project was jointly funded by the Icelandic transmission company Landsnett, and the Norwegian national grid transmission company Statnett. The objective of the work was to - a) Introduce a detailed condition assessment methodology to the two client companies and trial it on an actual line. b) Undertake a predictive modelling analysis on the results to see what the future work and cost profile was for the line. The work was undertaken from October to November 2008. The author travelled to Iceland to help set up the trial and brief Landsnett and Statnett engineers. A final report was completed late December 2008.

-Wal Marshall

Full report can be downloaded below:


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